We comply with the laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, and declare that we will conduct business based on the Personal Information Protection Law regarding the handling and protection.
- 1, With personal information
- According to the "Law concerning the protection of personal information", "information about a living individual, which can identify a specific individual by the name, date of birth or other description contained in the information (other information (other information And those that will be able to identify a particular individual.
- 2, acquisition, use, offer of personal information
- Acquisition of personal information is carried out by appropriate and lawful means to the extent necessary for business. The use and provision of personal information will be used to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, except with the consent of the person or based on laws and regulations.
- 3, About personal information security measures
- We will ensure the safety and accuracy of personal information by taking appropriate preventive measures against risks such as unauthorized access to personal information, loss of personal information, damage, falsification and leakage. In the event that a problem occurs, we will work to minimize damage and promptly take corrective action.
- 4, compliance with laws and regulations about personal information
- We will comply with laws and regulations concerning the handling of personal information, guidelines established by the country, and other norms.
- 5, Continuous improvement of efforts to protect personal information
- We will continue to improve our personal information protection policy so that the personal information protection requested by society can be effectively implemented.
- 6, contact information regarding personal information protection
- We will set up a response window for complaints and consultations from individuals regarding the handling of personal information, and respond appropriately.
- contact information:VUTEQ CORPORATION head office labor section
- phone:0565-31-5521
- FAX:0565-33-5526
- e_Mail