• HOME

“Providing superior products and services in terms of quality, price, safety, and others” is stated in the Vuteq Group's basic guidelines on corporate activities. Based on the idea that quality improvement is essential to be an “indispensable company” to our customers, we are working on group-wide quality improvement activities by holding various events.
In addition, in order to improve the quality of products and services provided to customers, we also believe it is necessary to ensure safe and healthy working environment with comfort and affluence for individual employees. Therefore, we are also promoting activities for that purpose throughout the group.

“Health and Safety Presentation Event”
to ensure workplace safety

The Vuteq Group holds an annual event for Health and Safety Presentation to ensure safe and healthy workplace. Individual workplace teams made presentations on specific activities related to health and safety, and an excellent team was commended. We will continue to work together to maintain safe, healthy and vibrant workplaces.

  • 表彰式
  • Awards ceremony
  • 発表の様子
  • State of announcement
  • 発表の様子
  • State of announcement

“Forklift Skills Competition”
to improve forklift operation skills

The Vuteq Group regularly holds “Forklift Skills Competition” at each plant including overseas bases, aiming to improve the forklift operation skills for accidents-free and safe yard operations and product transportation. The safety in yard operations has been greatly enhanced through this competition for which forklift operators are making efforts to brush up their operation skills including basic operation, safety check, and pallet transport techniques, which are demonstrated in front of other employees.

  • パレット持ち上げ
  • Lifting pallet
  • リフト運転
  • Lift operation
  • 指差し確認
  • Pointing and Calling

"Safety dojo"
to learn safe work procedure

At the Vuteq headquarters, we have a safety training facility called “safety dojo”, where employees can learn how to work safely. Skilled instructors provide training and education to workers by setting up areas where they can experience actual operations of lifting device and other equipment or with operation simulators, and also they can learn dangerousness of individual operations. New employees are required to attend the training course in order to prevent injuries and ensure safety at the workplaces.

  • ガラスの重量を体感
  • Experience the weight of glass
  • 安全道場全景
  • Safety Dojo whole view
  • 安全道場
  • Safety Dojo

“Improvement Presentation Meeting”
to raise quality awareness

Each year, the Vuteq Group holds an “Improvement Presentation Meeting” to increase work efficiency, improve quality of products and services, and develop human resources through presentations on improvement activities conducted at individual workplaces. It is participated by not only Japanese employees, but also a great number of overseas colleagues as a whole group-wide event. In fiscal 2018, a total of 14 teams from six countries, including U.S.A., Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia, participated in this event, and enthusiastically made presentations on how they improved their respective workplaces in front of approximately 500 employees.

  • 会場の様子
  • State of the venue
  • 最優秀賞/ビューテックタイ
  • Awards ceremony
  • 発表の様子
  • State of announcement